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 Tell me a story

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Bruna Cane
6 participants

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TEAM FLDT TEAM FLDT: Tell me a story 07927212655

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MessageSujet: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 0:09

here we can tell a new story only in english (but we can use the frenched accented.....)
one begin with a sentence, one other continue with a other sentence... at the end, we will have a beatiful story, so now i begin.....

once upon a time..... in a wonderful world, there was a nice town name toontown Tell me a story Bugsan10 , but in toontown.....
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Bruna Cane
Toon TimideToon Timide
Bruna Cane

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 7:04

there were very nasty robots called "COGS" and......
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Lady Kookypop
Toon DormeurToon Dormeur
Lady Kookypop

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Localisation Kookytown - TT US

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 7:22

these nasty cogs would like to transform Toontwon in Cogtown Tell me a story Grrr10 but ...
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Toon GrincheuxToon Grincheux

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 15:49

the nice ones let us toons did not hear it thus Tell me a story Babytr10
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TEAM FLDT TEAM FLDT: Tell me a story 07927212655

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 17:11

all the nice toons unite create the FLDT, but a lot of work to do....
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Localisation fortfort lointain
Loisirs De tps en tps, il faut se reposer de ne rien faire.

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TEAM FLDT TEAM FLDT: Tell me a story 07927212655

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 17:30

it's crystal clear !!
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good knight
Toon SimpletToon Simplet
good knight

Nombre de messages 20
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Localisation Montana, U.S.A.

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MessageSujet: tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Sam 5 Mai 2007 - 17:37

See, this work is no small thing No , with so many bosses to thumb noses at, and so many laws to break, and so many money grabbers to trick, and so many salesmen to hush up; a toons work is seemingly never done. Still they smile Very Happy , because... Arrow
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TEAM FLDT TEAM FLDT: Tell me a story 07927212655

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Dim 6 Mai 2007 - 2:09

..... during this time, there was a meeting in a unknow part of toontown, the CFO, the VP, the CJ and ..... their boss (nobody know his name and even what he looked like)...... Tell me a story A_4mou10 Tell me a story Ani_ca10
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good knight
Toon SimpletToon Simplet
good knight

Nombre de messages 20
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Localisation Montana, U.S.A.

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MessageSujet: tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Dim 6 Mai 2007 - 7:30

...but they all heard his thunderous voice, inviting them to a party in that secret place under a cloud, where there was dancing bounce and games Basketball , and cakes and pies and bananas to eat pig , and where sweet talk I love you and kisses could be heard all around... Arrow
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good knight
Toon SimpletToon Simplet
good knight

Nombre de messages 20
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Localisation Montana, U.S.A.

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MessageSujet: tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Jeu 10 Mai 2007 - 19:48

Well then, a long time passed Sleep , and the toons, with silly grins on their faces :face: (after having had more fun than any toon should be allowed...) slowly, one by one or in small groups, thanked the Boss queen and then wandered out from beneath the mysterious cloud and back to the known world of Toontown sunny . One particular toon then set out on a special journey...
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TEAM FLDT TEAM FLDT: Tell me a story 07927212655

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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Ven 11 Mai 2007 - 1:11

what was the idea of the Big Boss of cogs ???? all toons were very tired because of this wonderful party so.......
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good knight
Toon SimpletToon Simplet
good knight

Nombre de messages 20
Pointoons 6425
Célébritoons 0
Localisation Montana, U.S.A.

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MessageSujet: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10Mar 5 Juin 2007 - 21:31

...They all went to sleep...
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the end.
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MessageSujet: Re: Tell me a story   Tell me a story Heure10

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